Journeyman Now Available on Audible

Journeyman Now Available on Audible

The audio book version of Journeyman, book one of the Matt Miller in the Colonies series by Mark J. Rose, is officially released

Los Angeles, CA – Author and narrator Mark J. Rose releases the audio version of Journeyman, the first book in the Matt Miller in the Colonies series. The science fiction time-travel novel is available for listening enjoyment as an audio book on Audible.

Journeyman is set in 1762, colonial America, giving it historical fiction as well as time-travel elements. Rose is fascinated with the challenges humanity faces as technology evolves and weaves these concepts into his writing.

In the book, while hiking near a laboratory conducting a hazardous experiment, Matt Miller is caught in the cross fires of a rouge particle beam. One minute he is trekking the Appalachian trail, the next he is in an unfamiliar barn belonging to what he assumes is an Amish family. Matt slowly comes to the realization that he didn’t just pass out while hiking, he is in a different century. Matt Miller, a 21st century scientist, faces the challenges of surviving in the past.

Rose says, “I am excited to introduce the audio version of Journeyman, my first book in the Matt Miller in the Colonies series. We spent a lot of time in the studio getting every sentence just right and are proud of the results. As an author, there’s always a little hesitation when you start combing through your story in an entirely different way. I was satisfied to find that Journeyman translated easily into the spoken word and it was fun bringing the characters to life. We are putting the finishing touches on the audio version of Prophet, the second book in the series. Until then, please enjoy this first installment!”

As a scientist, Rose believes that humanity will eventually find a way to travel through time and space. Until then we will have to live out the dream of time travel through fantasies and stories like Journeyman.



By Mark J. Rose


Length: 8 hours and 11 minutes

Price: $17.46

Available on Amazon and iTunes



Mark J. Rose is a scientist, author and screenwriter. He holds a doctorate in pharmaceutical chemistry and is director of research and development at a major biotech company. He is fascinated with exploring the intersection of man’s basic humanity with the challenges of a rapidly changing technological world. Working primarily in the science fiction and thriller genres, all his writing deals with some aspect of the interaction of technology, science and society.



Desireé Duffy

Black Château

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