Just in time for Halloween, the novella by Sean Patrick Traver uses humor and mystique to explore what lies between this world and the afterlife.
LOS ANGELES, CA–Author Sean Patrick Traver releases the highly anticipated novella, Wraith Ladies Who Lunch, in time for Halloween. Pre-orders now available for the book that follows two souls who assume human form to have lunch and contemplate why they remain Earth-bound.
Set in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, two female souls meet; both ghosts are stuck between the ever-changing living world and the unattainable afterlife. Tasenetnethor is a XXII Dynasty Egyptian Mummy, whose body is showcased in the LACMA museum. Her confidant, Christabel, is a young Victorian woman. They meet at a local restaurant and briefly pretend to be alive while sipping drinks they can’t taste and ordering food they’ll never touch. Limbo is a lonely place, and these ladies feel fortunate to have found one another. Neither of them understand why all the other recently deceased seem to easily dissipate into the afterlife while their souls remain echoes of their former lives.
After countless years making the best out of their tortuous situation, an elderly man, just turned ghost, joins them for lunch as they explain their understanding of his new unfortunate existence. Darren Grey asks the questions they’ve both been asking each other for centuries: what is keeping them bound to earth? Can they ever move on? How long do they have to be phantoms? But could his family’s dispute and animosity over his Last Will and Testament be the puzzle piece the wraith ladies need to make sense of it all?
Wraith Ladies Who Lunch
By Sean Patrick Traver
ASIN: B075CV27TN (ebook)
Price: 2.99
Pages: 87
Wraith Ladies Who Lunch now available on Amazon.
Sean Patrick Traver is a Los Angeles native, his writing explores the hidden worlds that lurk behind the sleek facade LA presents to a casual observer. Traver is a member of the LA chapter of the Horror Writers’ Association and works as a bookseller at the world-famous Iliad Bookshop in North Hollywood. His books take inspiration from Anne Rice, Neil Gailman, Alan Moore, Tom Robbins, Stephen King and Elmore Leonard.
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Desiree Duffy
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