The Great Twitter Plot Twist: What Does X Mean for Writers?
The Great Twitter Plot Twist: What Does X Mean for Writers?
The Great Twitter Plot Twist: What Does X Mean for Writers?
There is a common misconception that social media is free or that it is easy to do because you just need to post compelling content, and then new fans and customers will naturally find you, follow you, and automatically buy your book or service. Easy peasy, right? After all, your 14-year-old niece has 10,000 followers
By now you’ve likely logged onto Facebook and noticed the changes. Announced back in 2019, the social media site’s F5 update is no longer an option. It’s here and we have to deal with it. It’s certainly confusing, looks a bit like Twitter and hasn’t exactly been well-received. That said, there are a few cool
Okay, let’s have a brief chat about TikTok. TikTok is a social media platform for short-form video content. You load videos, preferably of dancing, and see what kind of fame you can achieve. Does the world need more dancing authors? Could be! Let’s explore TikTok for authors and see if this is right for you.
You probably already know that one of the most trusted and effective types of marketing is reviews. Think about it: When you want to find a restaurant, you peruse the reviews on Yelp first, or maybe ask friends on Facebook for a recommendation. You do this because you trust others’ opinions more than a popup ad or
I don’t watch much cable TV any more. With all the streaming content available and the ability to subscribe directly to channels and shows I like, I gave up my relationship with cable a long time ago. Imagine my reaction when I was forced to flip through cable channels while staying in a hotel recently. Channel
You want to give your book launch every chance to succeed, right? You’ve written your book. It’s gone through several stages of editing. The interior is laid out. Your cover art is slamming. You’re so excited. The publishing team has got to be, too, you’re sure. You’re just waiting on them to clue you in
If you’ve ever pruned roses, you’ll understand the thicket that is the current publishing situation. You want your book, like a bud, to blossom and bloom into all its grandeur. But you are faced with all these complexities, including deadheads, suckers, and, of course, many, many thorns. Let’s imagine this rosebush with two main branches:
How to Augment Your Income and Influence as a Writer In today’s gig economy, many writers want a side hustle to supplement their income. Or in some cases, it’s more about the value of networking and expanding one’s influence in the writing community. Either way, if you’re looking for ways to support your creative pursuits,
The new book in the bestselling “Hound Dogged” series, releasing August 6th, captures the 1950s rock music scene in a gripping coming-of-age story. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Denver, CO – Rebecca Hendricks, an author renowned for her vivid portrayal of the 1950s, is set to release her latest novel, “Hard Dog’s Night,” on August 6th. This
Workshop Presented for the Future of Publishing Online Conference As digital advancements in AI, robotics, and digital media saturate our lives, the natural human tendency will be to seek out and embrace humanity. As this happens, authors poised to present at events will have an advantage not only over technology, but authors who aren’t embracing
Black Château is a marketing and PR agency that specializes in promoting authors and their books. The company developed the proprietary Author Network, an affordable marketing and PR strategy for authors that includes the most-desired services, such as book reviews, author interviews, articles, and author events.
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