Time to trade in your swimsuit for warm mittens and grab these books for your fall reading list.
Cuddle up next to a cozy fire with fuzzy slippers, hot apple cider, and your next novel. Take a look at our fall reading list favorites, and find the perfect stories to read as the days grow shorter and the leaves change colors.
Fenir Chronicles: The Prince by Nanishka Torres

Explore a whole new world this autumn with The Prince by Nanishka Torres. In this Utopian future, science is the law of the land and religion is an antiquated belief not held by the majority. The Royal Family reigns with peace and justice, but a radical group known as the Staxeons do not agree with the current political ways.
Prince Callum is a diplomatic and understanding leader, until the Staxions kidnap the man he loves. Distraught and anguished, the Prince vows to bring back his love by any means necessary.
The author, Nanishka Torres, wrote The Prince after noticing a lack of positive LGBTQ role models and heroes in novels. She wanted to create gay characters whose sexuality did not drive the story or become the focus of their struggles. Prince Callum is a masculine man, in a loving, serious, and committed relationship; a rare representation of a gay male character in today’s pop culture. The Prince tells the story of a powerful man attempting to save his companion, and his country.
Red Witch: The Tales of Ingrid Redstone by Sean Patrick Traver

Get in the mood for all things spooky and undead with Red Witch: The Tales of Ingrid Redstone. Follow Ingrid, a daring screen actress determined to find the ancient and magical portal to the underworld. As the first person to ever cross over the threshold of life and death, Ingrid accomplishes what all others have failed to do; look death in the eye and live to tell the tale. She meets and falls in love with death himself, Mictlantecuhtli the ruler of the dead. “Micky” is in awe of this human, who does not suffer the horrible effects of his barrier. The two fall in love in an unholy and unnatural love affair.
Ingrid learns of her ability to cross time and enter historical eras with ease. As her relationship with Micky evolves, Ingrid also discovers the powers and secrets she now possesses; powers that may be too great for her to handle. But can she escape the God of Death’s embrace, or will she be his Queen and rule over the afterlife forever?
Sean Patrick Traver’s New Novella; Wraith Ladies Who Lunch

Coming soon, by Sean Patrick Traver, is his new novella, Wraith Ladies Who Lunch. The story follows two souls who do not understand why they are stuck, bound to earth, and unable to move on like others who are dead. With endless amounts of time, the ladies meet and pretend to be alive by having lunch together. They sip drinks they can’t taste and order food they only pretend to eat. They live a lonely existence, with only each other for company, until a new spirit suddenly joins them for lunch. Although he is new to the afterlife, his story may hold the secret as to why the three of them are unable to move on.
Wraith Ladies Who Lunch will be released October 24th, just in time for Halloween! Pre-order your copy on Amazon.
He Uttered “Soulmate” by Athena Coleman

Get ready for the season of giving thanks, family, and peace with He Uttered “Soulmate” by Antetha Coleman. The memoir captivates its audience with humor, thrills and insight. It is a testimony of a love story replete with observations about life, pop-culture, and how the Bible shapes our lives.
Anetha Coleman struggled to understand God’s plans for her and her unrequited love. She tells the story of her revelations along her journey to find divine completeness and fullness. Although God’s plan and path for her seemed uncertain and scary, she learned that the destination holds a happiness for her and others.
Path of Lucas: The Journey He Endured by Susanne Bellefeuille

As you get ready to spend quality time with family this fall, read about the harrowing family struggles in Path of Lucas: The Journey He Endured. When the doctors diagnose Lucas’ wife with psychotic depression, he and his young family struggle to cope with a mother lost in the mental disease. After the doctors suggest institutionalizing her, Lucas fights to figure out how to save his wife and keep his family together.
With so many suffering with mental illness, Path of Lucas is the perfect tale about overcoming obstacles as a family. Path of Lucas emphasizes that the love within a family can overcome even the most difficult situations.
Los Feliz Confidential by Nora Novak

Travel the world through the eyes of a 60s free spirit teenager discovering free love, the rise of recreational drugs, and rock n’ roll. Los Feliz Confidential follows Nora as her teenage years turn into young womanhood in the 70s.
After getting out from under her father’s strict home, Nora experiences all the peace, love and parting the decades have to offer. Growing pains and awkward teenage years wreak havoc with her self-esteem as she finds herself. But soon she is hanging out with rock legends, living in mansions, and becomes a Hollywood “it” girl. Extravagance and partying are the norm as Nora tells all in her one-of-a-kind memoir that leaves nothing to the imagination. Every chapter tells of a new, wild story that will leave you giddy for more.
Beyond ADHD: Overcoming the Label and Thriving by Jeff Emmerson and Robert Yehling

If you or someone you care for suffers from ADHD, this book is a must read. Jeff Emmerson tells the story of his diagnosis with ADHD and welcomes readers to explore his research and understanding of the mental illness. Emmerson, and co-author Robert Yehling, both question the cookie-cutter way we treat ADHD. The book features interviews with experts in the field, and examines the behavioral and mental issues from a fresh perspective. The co-authors advocate for accepting and nurturing the condition, instead of attempting to subdue and alter the mind.
With ADHD diagnosis increasing drastically, it is important for society to understand the condition and look for ways to improve how we see and treat those affected. There may be ways to live with ADHD, and without over medicating children and adults. By recognizing the symptoms, and making sure people are being properly diagnosed, we as a society might be able to make medical and societal advancements to help those who suffer.