Black Château, the Horror Writer’s Association and George R. R. Martin at StokerCon 2017
Black Château participated in StokerCon 2017 as a proud sponsor. The annual conference for writers, publishers, and the literary world focuses on horror, sci-fi, fantasy and other types of genre and literary fiction. Presented by the Horror Writers Association (HWA), the event is hosted at a different venue each year. In 2017 it was held in April on the Queen Mary in Long Beach and featured special guest and author of Game of Thrones, George R.R. Martin. The conference included presentations, workshops, author readings, signings, and the presentation of the highly-coveted Stoker Awards at an evening gala.
The 2017 StokerCon featured Game of Thrones author, George R. R. Martin, among its list of special guests. Other notable names included: Tananarive Due, Elizabeth Hand, Stephen Graham Jones, Gretchen McNeil, Chuck Wendig, Maria Alexander, Lisa Morton, John Palisano, Kate Jonez, as well as many others.
Black Château provided event photography, PR, and red carpet support during the festivities. Additionally, founder Desireé Duffy, with the assistance of Minoti Vaishnav of Prophecy Girl Films, did a presentation on marketing for attendees titled: Unraveling the Dark, Mysterious, Twisted World of Online Marketing.