Top 5 Ways to Create Great Content Now

content marketing strategy, content ideas, content marketing, types of content, content that converts, digital marketing


content marketing strategy, content ideas, content marketing, types of content, content that converts, digital marketing
This article is by Desireé Duffy and first appeared on

If you’re sitting in front of the computer right now, ready to write, and wondering what types of content convert, then here are some quick ideas to get you going:

The Power of the List
We love those lists. They give readers digestible information they can easily categorize. We learn through lists, so it makes sense that when we see an article titled, The Top 7 Ways to Make Money Fast, we’re going to click through to see what might work for us. A list tells us we’ll get the information fast, and we all like that. You’re reading this one, aren’t you.

Pro Tip: Don’t write out the numbers in your headline. The actual number converts better than one that is written out.

Photo Galleries and Insider Tours
Got great pictures form your recent event, a trade show, or even just from around the office? If you are an author like many of my clients, consider showing photos from a recent book signing. If you are an e-tailer, do a photo gallery of your favorite new styles for Summer. In the travel industry? Focus on a location and do an exposé. Even if you are in an “average, everyday office”, take some behind the scene snaps of your team, or show factory pics of how your product is made. Be creative. People love photos and photo gallery posts translate well to social media like Facebook  and Instagram.

Pro Tip: Spend a little time in Photoshop or a photo editing tool to give your pictures a unified look and feel.

Get Out the Crystal Ball and Make Predictions
I know you’re not psychic, but if you’re a leader in your industry, then you have insights that no one else has. Unleash them to the world and write a blog post about future trends or investment strategies in your industry.

Pro Tip: Use Google Trends to see what types of predictions people are currently searching for, and find topics and keywords you can use in your post to stimulate organic traffic.

Tick People Off and Get Controversial
If you feel comfortable, and you believe it can help your business, try stirring the pot with a controversial topic. Controversy grabs attention because emotionally-charged topics play into people’s fears and hopes—two big motivators. While it’s easy to get attention by starting a controversy, be aware of short and long-term consequences. You and your company’s brand reputation should not be compromised.

Pro Tip: Get approval before becoming controversial, as the boss might not appreciate it if you write about a hot-button topic without asking first. If you are the boss, bounce your idea off a colleague or two to make sure you see it from all sides before entering the fray.

Case Studies and Research Analysis
If your industry relies on investment statistics, data, or research, then conducting your own case study and reporting on the results can be great for your content strategy. As well, it is good for your entire brand strategy because it positions you as a thought leader. People love to have the numbers delivered to them in a way they can understand. Being the expert that provides the information to them can have a direct impact on your bottom line.

Pro Tip: If you don’t have the resources to conduct your research, find reputable polls and data that you can create an opinion piece around. If the Pew Research Center comes out with a study that involves your industry, report on those numbers and how they impact your clients.

Content is the foundation to your brand. Be creative, thoughtful, and put out the best content you can to get results. A good strategy can make or break a brand. Take a little time to come up with ideas that will deliver the results you want. As always, a good old-fashioned brain storming session can go a long way in fleshing out your business’ content strategy.

Ready to take your content marketing to greater heights? Black Château is here to help. Talk to us.

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